British Isles
These strains can be traced back to Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Great in British-style Ales, Irish-style Ales and Scottish-style ales, but are really nice in American beers as well.
British Isles

JY037 - ESB
A robust, versatile strain, ideal for a range of style, from ESBs to American IPAs. Slightly fruity, can be used for other styles as well. Think stouts, hazy IPAs, barleywines. Reliable fermenter that can handle a beating.

JY038 - O'Malley's Irish
Yeast that does not need a real introduction. Crisp and clean, can leave a slight note of diacetyl after fermentation has completed. A little fruity when fermented warmer. From the biggest stout producer world-wide.

JY160 - UK Ale IX (Whitbread)
Very aggressive and attenuative yeast, well suited for higher gravity ales and beers that you want to attenuate deep. Flocculates well and turns over beers fast. Great for American styles as well, used by one of the largest IPA brewers in the world as a dependable house strain.

JY183 - Tim T. (UK Ale XI)
Nutty and fruity, leaving a chewy maltiness. Good flocculation, requires no finings. A great cask yeast, famous for the Landlord cask ale.

JY228 - Scottish Ale
Scottish ale yeast that is famous for its extremely mild and timid character. When fermented cold, this yeast will produce almost no esters or phenols, and will let the malt character of your beers come through. Attenuates not super deep, so when there is a high final gravity, do not panic. When used warmer, a little more estery. Great house yeast for the brewer that wants a dependable yeast that will produce beers with low yeast character.